Jul 5, 2011

I have a special friend........she is the artist of July

How about some Christmas in July????????????? Since I just love Santa Claus in all his incarnations this seems to be the perfect fit.
Maddyrose is the Mrs. in the Santa and the Mrs. She and her sisters live in the Pacific NW. Maddy is in fact sister to Maggie and Marlene. All three of these ladies have a strong connection to each other and to Christmas. Maddyrose and Maggie make incredible Santas and Winter Wonderland paper mache sculptures and Marlene at Marlene's Musings and Maggie at Off My Rocker both live on a Christmas tree farm. All three are artist and a very talented group of sisters, with direct connection to Christmas, I'd say.
I would like to feature Maddyrose during July as my artist of July . You must see her work to know just how talented she is. It just so happens that she is having a giveaway at her blog now so I would urge you to take some time to visit her and see her art. Paper Mache just seems to do her bidding, yes?

These pictures show her skill, talent and artistry with all things Santa and Winter Wonderland. When you go to visit Santa and the Mrs. click on her shop, North Pole Gift Shop you will see what I mean.
Besides being a talented artist she is a kind, wonderful and very funny person....just my kinda gal and I know you are going to love her too.


maddyrose said...

You wonderfully dear friend, look what you've done. You've gone and made me feel all warm and fuzzy. I've got to call Maggie and Marlene and tell them to come see what an amazing post you've put together. Thank you.

Crystal said...

i just love Maddy's Santas... All three sisters are wonderfully talented artists!

Marlene said...

HI, Thank you for the mention, very sweet of you. Great feature on Maddy and of course I love her too.

Tamara said...

These are adorable!! Great detail and I love their faces :)

Anonymous said...

Oh Linda, what a wonderful tribute to Maddyrose and her sisters. I ADORE the sweet Maddyrose and am forever coveting her beautiful Santas and Mrs Santas. You said it perfectly, "Paper Mache just seems to do her bidding." Like non I have ever seen, my dear friend. Hugs to you!

Leny said...

Hi Linda,

Lovely post from Maddyrose,I love her Santa's!


I Wonder Wye said...

these are darlng - how talented your friend is...

clairz said...

I love these!