Nov 26, 2011

More about Donna of So Dark So Cute

Everytime Donna posts about a new creation of hers I am struck with the thought that she is self taught. So many artists throw around their "credentials" and that is wonderful for them. Education is a fabulous thing. But I truly have my hats off to the self taught, nose to the grindstone, keep doing it til I get it right artist. The ones that create from their souls. I believe Donna is just such an artist.

Here are some additional photos of her talented work.

Please visit Donna on etsy in her shop So Dark So Cuties


Katy Cameron said...

Hee hee, those are fab! And wait, we were meant to be edjumacated about these things? Oh dear, I wonder if school art classes count... ;o)

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love those eyes!

LuLu Kellogg said...

I love Donna's work!!

maddyrose said...

I've loved Donna's work from the first time I laid eyes on it. She's a pretty good teacher being she's self taught.

Magaly Guerrero said...

I WANT that first doll!

Emce said...

I'm so happy the first doll is mine!

Anonymous said...

Donna's work is spectacular! I didn't realize she was self taught. What an amazing talent.