Oct 20, 2012

Giveaway Winners and a guilty pleasure of mine......

Thank you to all who commented on the post for the Bewitching Home goes Pink. I always appreciate your thoughts.

The winner of the mask is Maddyrose of Santa and the Mrs. The Winner of the pink witch hat is Wendy S of The Year with Cats. Congratulations to both of you. I'll have these in the mail to you on Monday.

And now on to my guilty pleasure. I have for most all of my life been fascinated by all thinks "dotty". Red and White polka dots just do me in. Love, love, love them. And so, that love has brought me to an insane love of gnomes, mushrooms and all manner of wonders in the required white on red dotty world. I have a folder on my pinterest "What is red white and gnome all over" and fill it with my heart's desire often.

I found that there is another person that I know who shares my passion for polka dots of the red and white variety and I came to know this when I saw some of her photos in her blog, The Vintage Fairytales. Yes Becky is a dotty nut in addition to being a fabulous photographer and lovely person.
She sent me this too fabulous for words antique glass red and white topped mushroom because.....just because. I adore it and Becky.

I have installed it into a bell jar to keep it safe......I'm not sure that's where it will stay, but after all the Halloweenie comes down, I'm looking forward to placing it in its permanent home in the dining room. Or as my grandchildren like to say.....the display room.


Wendy S. said...

Thank you SO much, Linda, I"m so excited! And I love polka dots too esp. little toadstools. What an enchanting way to display yours in the bell jar.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Congrats to the lucky winners! Red and white polka dots, eh? Black and white polka dots evoke a memory for me -- when I was a kid out in the rural Canadian prairies, the Hutterite women always word black and white polka dot kerchiefs on their heads.

maddyrose said...

Thanks so very much for helping to make my day complete. I'm eluding to my win of course and then for the look at the fantastic mushroom of the red with white polka dot variety. Isn't it just too wonderful??

Magic Love Crow said...

Yeh, to the lucky winners ;o) I love the mushroom!! My mom loves polka dots too ;o) Big Hugs ;o)

Sunshineshelle said...

Congrats to the winners!! Ha ha, the 'display' room, fabulous... In Australia we have a saying... "that's going straight to the pool room" it doesn't mean there's a 'pool' table there, it just is the home's 'pride of place' and that means it's also close to the heart :)

Magaly Guerrero said...

I'm playing catch up, so I missed all this. But not the love for polka dots. When I was 9 or so, my dad bought me a red and black polka dots dress. I wore the thing for a week, and only took it off because my grandma said she would throw me and the dress in the river until we lost the grime lol