Feb 26, 2012

Rebecka Ryborg Skott, my long lost love child in Sweden

I know what?????
I made this block tower for Becky and she sent me this photo work of art
I used to sell on Ebay. The fates brought the most wonderful human into my life when I was selling these strange little soft plastic little boy dolls heads. The woman who bought them instantly sparked my interest. I visited her Vintage Fairy Tales and I was a gonner. I love her sense of humor, her eye for just the right composition of her photos and of course her whimsy wrapped up in beauty.
Beckybus and I have known each other for several years and are the kind of friends that know we are out there for each other, even when we don't speak for extended periods of time. She is so dear. Such a kind heart. So loving. I felt so close to her that I kidded her and said she must be my love child I left in Sweden.
In a couple of years, if all goes well, she will be coming to New Mexico. She has a group of friends and fellow artists who go to a Julie Arkell led workshop in Briancon France.....one of those ladies lives in Santa Fe and is trying to set up a gathering of the Briancon ladies here at Los Poblanos, a very lovely rural setting. So I might have a chance to meet, hug and feed my Beckybus in person. That is a very happy thought indeed.
My grands produced and made this video for Becky after she dedicated this wonderful Penguin photo to us. I am the penquin and they are under my wings....it is a gift of a life time for us.

Please go and see all the wonder and magic that you too will find in Becky's art in The Vintage Fairytales.


brandi said...

~always you to stumble upon uniquely wonderful little artists...i do hope your paths will cross one day soon...a beautiful friendship created and shared...much love light and blessings~

Georgina said...

How I love her work...really cute stuff and as you say, what a great sense of humour as reflected on her work.

Hell, lady, we live just 4-5 hours away and we still can't get together!! LOL I'm still hoping, though, we will soon. Already told da hubster he's taking me to Albuquerque and Fanta Se this year!! As for Julie Arkell, love her work too...really love her work!!

Ok, time for me to hit the floor and get myself into the studio to start on those heads.

Loves ya and goats are waving their leetle hooves...cloven feet, at you all,

Mother Moon said...

does not surprise me at all that you left a love child in sweden... just so glad that your paths crossed again and even more so that they may come even closer in the coming years... You are a dear person with much love to share... she is a lucky soul

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Delightful and whimsical! I hope your planned meeting comes true -- how wonderful it would be for everyone!

Magic Love Crow said...

Linda!!! I love the video!! Soooo cute!!!! The penguin photo is so precious! What a wonderful talented lady! I hope you get to meet ;o) Thanks for sharing Becky ;o) Hugs ;o) Ohh, I forgot to say, love what Shelle made you!!!

Vintage Fairy Tales Rebecka said...

Dearest Linda, thank´s for all your lovely words, and YES like "Mother Moon" writes; I´m a lucky soul to be your friend and long lost love child in Sweden:)
I know that we will meet each other and next year is THE year, I will bring The Skating Monkey along with me!!!
Much love
Your Becky

Anonymous said...

Oh Linda, as if I weren't already in love with your precious grands! That video is too adorable for words. They are perfect performers with voices like nightingales. I was transfixed with such a large smile my face is a bit sore...but in a beautiful way. Thank you so much for sharing your special treasures (Ry and GK) and I totally believe Miss Scott could be your long lost love child from Sweden. Hugs, my lovely friend. Mina

Sunshineshelle said...

Ohh, I love this post & how wonderful you may get to meet your Swedish love child in New Mexico if thing pan out, LOL, you really uncovered a wonderful talent in Becky (or stumbled on, or tripped over LOL) & so pleased you shared her work here for all to enjoy... now off to watch a video ;)